The leather bag is a refined accessory, synonymous with fashion and elegance over time. Iskia is completed by an offer that ranges from all types of leather bags: handbags, shoulder bags and shoulder bags. Quality always follows the most qualitative canons that characterize Made in Italy, but since it is still a natural material, it is a good rule to clean it regularly to keep it beautiful and to prevent the formation of any type of stain.

To clean a leather bag at home, you don't need special and expensive kits or products, just a little bit of experience that has been handed down for generations. Maybe until now you didn't know that a leather bag should be cleaned at least a couple of times a year, passing a simple rag over it with a small dose of neutral hand cream, and for this reason you find yourself dealing with a bag today slightly dirtier or with defects.

But don't worry, there are natural methods to make it shine again. However, we advise you to try any type of cleaning starting from an inconspicuous and large point of the bag, to be sure that it will not be damaged by using any type of product. In fact, each leather reacts in its own way, especially if colored by hand with natural products.

Our experience over the years has taught us many ways to clean leather, including our easiest tips for cleaning a leather bag:

  • Rub the surface with a damp rag. This helps keep the skin clean and glowing.
  • Wipe a cotton wool ball previously dipped in a small amount of cleansing milk. The skin thus returns to soften, rejecting the accumulated dirt.
  • Massage the skin with a cloth lightly dipped in petroleum jelly. This technique also helps cleanse the skin and keep it soft.

Each of these methods involves a slow final drying phase in the open air, during which heat sources that would accelerate the process must absolutely not be used. The cloth (preferably wool) or the cotton ball must be slightly moistened, but not soaked in order not to damage the leather.

There are also other more specific methods for cleaning them. In fact, depending on the type of leather, you can use:

  • Steam for dark leather bags with a light stain. Just heat some water and when it starts to boil, place the bag over the pot. After a few minutes, the stained area can be lightly dabbed with a cloth or absorbent white paper, so as to slowly remove the stain.
  • Egg white to make a light and soft leather bag shine again, as long as it is not a too absorbent or suede type of leather. To make sure that the leather is suitable for this process, our advice is to test it starting from a small, inconspicuous part of the bag.

At the end of this guide on how to clean a leather bag at home without damaging it, we would like to underline that it is highly discouraged:

  • let the bag dry by exposing it directly to the sun's rays, as there is a risk of making it change its color
  • use wet wipes and chemical products, especially if they have been designed for another type of use (e.g. acetone or alcohol).

See you soon, hoping this article was helpful.

Mattia, Gianluca, Alessandro